09 全新漆彈槍 ECLIPSE GEO
定價 US$1250

低壓槍110-135psi, 68ci/4500psi可打到1500發以上, 內建多種射擊模式,超輕重量860g, LCD的控制面版, bolt動作用Oring只有3條....這也算是ECLIPSE的高價槍種之一, 據說是全新槍種不是取代EGO 09之用....感覺有點像G3的高級版.在國內的市場,還不如買G3...這樣價位可以買4把G3...
定價 US$1250
低壓槍110-135psi, 68ci/4500psi可打到1500發以上, 內建多種射擊模式,超輕重量860g, LCD的控制面版, bolt動作用Oring只有3條....這也算是ECLIPSE的高價槍種之一, 據說是全新槍種不是取代EGO 09之用....感覺有點像G3的高級版.在國內的市場,還不如買G3...這樣價位可以買4把G3...
- Spool Valve Design
- Low Reciprocating Mass Bolt 18g
- Low Pressure operation 110-135psi
- Air Efficient 1500+ shots from 68/45
- 1 Moving Internal Part
- Minimum Number of Dynamic Seals - 3
- ISCIS (Innovative Solenoid Controlled Isolation System) Mechanism
- VVC Variable Volume Chamber adjustment
- SC (Spool-Cure) Bolt helps eliminate 2nd ball clipping in the feed stack.
- 6-Second Strip Down To remove and separate all internal Bolt components
- Tool-less Bolt removal all internal bolt components removed without tools
- Very Low Weight 860g inc. barrel, battery, OOPS etc
- BBBSS (Break Beam Sensor System)
- Black-On-White Transflective LCD Module
- Def-Tek Offset Feed
- C-Lever Clamping Feedneck
- Dual Selectable Trigger Switching Opto and Micro Switches
- Dual Trigger Return Mechanisms Spring and Magnetic Return
- Integrated Audible Beeper for Alarms and Actuations
- Capped and Uncapped Ramp Modes
- All Major Tournament Presets
- 9 Preset Debounce Modes
- 5-Point Adjustable Trigger
- T-Rail Mounting System
- OOPS On/Off/Purge ASA System
- S3 Self-Purging In-Line Regulator
- 14" Shaft3 2-Piece 0.693" Barrel
- Weight 860g/1.89lb Including 14" Shaft3 Barrel, Battery, Feed Tube, OOPS
- Length 517mm Including 14" Shaft3 Barrel
- Height 198mm
- Width 31mm
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